How Cannabis Work and Conditions It Can Treat By Weed Doctor Near Me
Marijuana is part of the important ritual ceremonies in a variety of cultures. For primitive people, there are no physicians and dentists. Their shaman or healing pivots are these plants. Marijuana plant medicine has potential to reduce inflammation, stress and anxiety. The plant is also used by psychotherapists, physiotherapists and weed doctors near me for its ability to heal. Others use it for deepening their connection with ‘higher self’. Medical marijuana plants can contain 100+ cannabinoids. The compounds can activate the endocrine system and produce an alternate sense of vision, sound and colors.
Cannabinoids vs. Endocrine System
A couple of cannabinoids present in medical marijuana include THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN, etc. That said, to make a few cannabinoids present in the medicinal plant. Once upon ingestion, these compounds activate cannabinoid receptors like CB1 and CB2 in the body. Apart from that, these compounds may spark an activity in the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, pancreas etc. It’s your endocannabinoid system that plays an important role throughout the web of the central nervous system.What Medical Marijuana Can Treat
Modern science has just scratched the surface of medicinal plants. For example: marijuana, peyote, salvia, ayahuasca, etc. are being actively researched upon for their healing abilities. As of now, marijuana consumer use the healing properties to gain healthy by:Using Cannabis As Anti-nauseant
- Anti-inflammatory
- Immune System modulator
- Pain reliever
- Antispasmodic
- To overcome alcohol addiction
- Chronic pain
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Glaucoma
- Nausea from chemotherapy
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