Want to Microdose Cannabis? Take a Look Then
The microdosing concept isn’t a new one, however, it wasn’t that popular till the time medical marijuana patients came to know about it. And if you are wondering how microdosing can help you in the case of cannabis for getting relief, then continue reading below for knowing all to get started. You can even consult your cannabis doctor if you feel so.

What is Microdosing?
What is The Amount of Cannabis One Should Use?
For most medical marijuana patients, who are interested in trying microdosing, a good starting point is to begin the dose between 1 to 2.5 milligrams of THC and then stick with that particular dosage for at least 3 days. And from there slowly increase your dose, in 1 mg increments till the time you feel the effects of medication. On reaching this point, stick to that dose for at least four days. If you continue to feel relief at this point, then there’s no need of increasing your dosage further. Patients who already have built-up their tolerance level for cannabis can undergo no cannabis usage initially for a period of two days before starting the microdosing regime.
Which Method Works Best?
With a plethora of cannabis products available in the market, you need to choose wisely as not all of them are well suited for microdosing. It is possible to do microdosing while smoking or vaping medical marijuana, though it can be a little difficult to keep the consistency of the dosage. Consuming a single puff and then waiting for the desired effect can still work, but this way can you exactly tell the number of cannabinoids you have consumed? No, right. And due to this, microdosing can be difficult as you won’t be able to recreate the desired effects later on.
Cannabis products like oils, edibles, tinctures are better suited for the process of microdosing as it is much easier to gain control over the dosage in these methods. And when you are going to shop for these cannabis products from your nearby dispensary, look for those ones that are more conservatively dosed and can make microdosing even easier for you. For instance, it will be much easier to microdose with a tincture that contains 5mg of THC per mL than a 20mg one. However, if you still find difficulty in selecting the product, you can anytime take the help of your medical marijuana doctor.
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